I have to write about this because it really caused an emotional reaction for me.
My flight from Memphis to Cleveland was a tough one. It was a small plane, only two seats on each side. I was in the window seat and the man next to me was in his seat and half of mine. He smelled awful and for those who know me - you know I have a hypersensitive nose.... At first I was irritated by this man and then I started to just feel sorry for him. Sitting in his seat doing nothing I could hear his labored breathing. He went to put down the tray and it stopped right at the top of his belly. The flight attendant came around and he ordered a diet coke and then she gave him two bags of cookies. I declined a drink or snack (I have water in my bag as well as a clean snack). As I am pushed up against the window trying to claim a little personal space I start to think about how sad the state of this mans health and quality of life are. He can’t fit in the seat of an airplane, his tray won’ t go down because his body is in the way and he has trouble breathing just sitting down. I really want to turn and say to him “Why have you given up on yourself? You don’t have to live like this” there is a better way- You could be so much healthier, live longer, better and happier.
These are the moments I think to myself I could make a difference here. I found a deep passion for health, fitness and beautiful amazing clean food and cooking. If only I could wave a magic wand and give the world a little of this passion and energy we would all get a little healthier, happier, stronger and maybe even live a little longer....
Once you really take control of your own health and body it’s almost painful to see people who have ignored themselves and are living in a body they can barely get around in. There really is a better way - it is a choice.
Sadly when you take up a seat and a half on an airplane your obesity is now not just your problem but it is an inconvenience to me.
I’m not trying to hard on this man or insensitive - I actually feel really sensitive and want to reach out and help- I realize in this moment it is not the time or my place.
...and then there is the pushy flight attendant- and when I think about it, we all have a pushy flight attendant in our lives.
The overweight flight attendant offers the woman in front of me cookies. The woman declines “no thank you.” The flight attendant says “oh but they are so good, are you sure” Lady is seat 1b says again “no thanks” Flight attendant.... “but they are so good, my favorite, just try them!” Are you “f-ing kidding me! She said no thanks twice-
Stop pushing her to eat something she doesn’t want.
Then I realized we all have a pushy flight attendant in our life-
The ones who keep pushing even after we say no. No - is a complete sentence! No is no- No is I don’t want any - thanks for asking now go away with your damn cookies!
So, when we are trying to stick to a weight loss plan and you are at a party and you are doing the right thing and friends say “Oh- just have a little - it won’t hurt. You have to enjoy yourself a little... What do we do with that?
It’s really hard to make a health stand in this country today. Suddenly we are the outsiders. Overeating and overweight is the norm and those of us who try to keep it all in check are the weirdos!
The lobby of the hotel had a huge candy store front and center. Ice cream, apples covered in everything, chocolate covered everything up the wah-zoo. I passed it multiple times a day. I won’t lie- it smelled amazing, there were happy bouncy children waiting in line.... I was stressed and I wanted to indulge. I stopped multiple times... almost bought something - but I had to make a choice. I knew indulging would temporarily make me feel good- (for about 2 minutes) and then I would feel like crap. In the long run - it would not help me achieve my personal health and fitness goals. I was already feeling physically yucky from the gross food at the resort and I knew shoving chocolate covered something in my mouth was not going to help. I walked away and half way down the hall did a fist pump knowing I made the right choice for me in that moment! There would have been no sense of pride or fist pump after indulging.
Sometimes making the right food choice is a moment by moment struggle. Meal by meal- day by day sometimes minute by minute.
I have to say I miss the gym- I can wait to get back there first thing tomorrow morning. It’s a one hour mental vacation, it’s doing something to strengthen my body as well as my mind.... A couple of days without the gym, well I start to get a little cranky!
Thanks for reading-
I’ll be cooking something tomorrow.... I wonder what new recipe I will post-